The Carl Robert Jakobson Farm Museum

Kurgja village inspires and encourages you to dream

Carl Robert Jakobson was a successful farmer, the most well-informed farmer in Estonia, and also a politician, enlightener, and one of the most beloved leaders of the Estonian national movement. The Carl Robert Jakobson Farm Museum in Kurgja provides an overview of the most important events, places, and people in Jakobson’s life, as well as the greatest desires of the great man. What makes the museum special is the still-functioning Kurgja farm. Visitors are greeted by cattle, sheep, and horses.

One of the missions of the Kurgja farm museum is to showcase the colorful character of this great man from different aspects, as he has been depicted in history textbooks as rather one-dimensional. So, who was he actually? A punk, an anarchist, a sufferer, or rather an enlightener and preacher of his own faith? Or all of that and more? Or perhaps, simply just a human being.

All of the buildings in the farm museum were built according to Jakobson’s own drawings and dreams. The hands-on exhibition, C. R. Jakobson – a spiritual awakener of Estonia, provides an overview of important topics related to Jakobson, the fate of the Kurgja farm until the creation of the museum, and the role of his wife Julie and their daughters in the farm after his death.

The farm museum’s audio guide can be downloaded via the NUMU app, and offers both interesting information and encourages the visitor to dream.