Natural History Museum of the University of Tartu
Contains 220 years of fascinating stories, science, and history
The University of Tartu Natural History Museum is the oldest museum in Estonia. The permanent exhibition of the museum, which has 220 years of history, is titled Earth. Life. Story A visitor to the exhibit travels along the development of the living and non-living nature of planet Earth, from the creation of the universe to today’s natural diversity.
About 8,000 exhibits from Estonian and around the world have been collected in the Natural History Museum: rocks, minerals, fossils, taxidermy animals, samples, skeletons, and herbariums. Among other things, it is possible to see a taxidermy of the first jackal found in Estonia, a seven-meter-long skeleton of a common mink whale, and a mammoth skull.
The rocks and fossils of the museum help visitors discover the history of the formation of our planet and its life. And the colorful display gives an overview of the kingdoms of animals, plants, and mushrooms. Visitors can also learn about natural habitats, skeletons, and exotic live animals.