

SA Muuseumikaart
Reg. No. 90015838
Telliskivi 60a/3, 10412 Tallinn Estonia

  • Berta Vosman

Contact Us

    The story of the Museum Card

    For many years, Estonian museums have been fascinated by the extremely popular Finnish Museum Card, the Museokortti, which is used by more than a quarter-million Finns

    Two years ago, the Estonian Museum Association and several Estonian museums began to implement a similar dream. As a result of this cooperation, the long-waited Estonian Museum Card will become a reality in April 2023.

    The Museum Card is managed by SA Muuseumikaart, founded by MTÜ Eesti Muuseumiühing.


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    Members of the Supervisory Board

    • Marge Rahu, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, marketing and tourism expert
    • Inge Laurik-Teder, representative of the Estonian Museum Association
    • Ruth Laidvee, Initiator of the Museum Card in Estonia
    • Hannele Valkeeniemi, cultural expert, Head of the Finnish Institute in Estonia
    • Siim Randoja, representative of museums, Board member of Estonian Sports and Olympic Museum
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    Museum Card team

    Kert Kask

    Museum Card Manager

    Liina Pulges

    Museum Card Marketing Manager